
Welcome to the online home of my cocktail adventures and alcohol musings. Pour yourself a glass & stay awhile

EP 69 - The Hangover Part II

EP 69 - The Hangover Part II

The Lushes are at it again, and they are talking Hangovers. It's been over a year since they discussed the topic and decided it was time for a revisit. Has science finally found the cure? Or is Mother Nature a better choice? We cover all there remedies and talk about which ones work and which might just make you sicker!

Hangover Pillows, new pills, patches and elixirs all promise to take away that hangover. Ancient cures like fried canary to dried bull penis promise the same things. But do any of them really work? This week we explore them all, tune in for a fun and informative show.

EP 70 - Liquor By the Letter

EP 70 - Liquor By the Letter

EP 68 - The Spirit of Vodka

EP 68 - The Spirit of Vodka